How To Check Sent Mail On Outlook

  1. How To Check Sent Mail In Outlook 2013
  2. How To Check Sent Mail On Outlook Mail
  3. How To Check Sent Mail In Outlook

In the Mail view, select the emails that you want to count the total number. Press Alt + F11 keys simultaneously to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications. Click Insert Module to open a new Module window, and then paste below code into the window. Click the Run button to run the VBA code. I wanted to check what I had sent using BCC for the first time & I had TWO emails sent as one (together).one showing all of my BCC recipients, and the other showing only myself. Is this how my BBC recipients are seeing it too.with the two emails sent as one (together)? If so.what have I done wrong? They are also hidden when you view the sent message in the Sent Items folder. However, it would helpful if you could find out who you bcc:ed on a message in Windows Live Mail, Windows Mail or Outlook Express. While the Bcc: recipients are not overtly visible, you can still uncover them if you want to make sure somebody got a copy.

It doesn’t happen too often but when a message is stuck in the Outbox it can be a real pain and may prevent you from sending and receiving other emails as well.

Below you’ll find 5 methods to get the message out of the Outbox.

If you can’t see the stuck message, then it is most likely a Read Receipt. To get rid of that see the guide: Delete a stuck Read Receipt.

Method 1 – Open and close

The easiest and quickest way to try to unlock the message from your Outbox is to open the message in the Outbox with a double click and close it again.

Now select the message and press DELETE or move it to your Drafts folder if you want to resent it.

Method 2 – Offline Mode

Another quick and effective method is to put Outlook in Offline Mode.

  • Outlook 2007 and previous
    File-> Work Offline
  • Outlook 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019 / Office 365
    Ribbon tab: Send/Receive-> button: Work Offline

Now restart Outlook and see if you can delete it. You can try this in combination with method 1 as well. Don’t forget to put Outlook back On-line again afterwards via the same instructions as above.

Method 3 – Safe Mode

By Starting Outlook in Safe Mode, you’ll prevent the message from being locked by an add-in like for instance a virus scanner which integrates itself with Outlook (which is a good thing to disable anyway).

To start Outlook in Safe Mode, hold the CTRL button on your keyboard when clicking on the Outlook shortcut and hold the CTRL button down until you see the dialog below and choose: Yes. You can combine this method with the above 2 methods as well.

Holding down the CTRL button while starting Outlook is the easiest way to start Outlook in Safe Mode.

Method 4 – New temporary default pst-file

This method is a bit more drastic but highly effective when the above methods all have failed. Via this method you can also force Outlook to recreate the Outbox folder.

  1. Create a new pst-file.
    • Outlook 2007 and previous
      File-> New-> Outlook Data File…
    • Outlook 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019 / Office 365
      Ribbon tab: Home-> button: New Items-> More Items-> Outlook Data File…
    • Office 365 (Single Line Ribbon)
      Ribbon tab: Home-> down arrow next to New Email button-> More Items-> Outlook Data File…
  2. Set this pst-file as the default data file in your Account Settings.
    • Outlook 2007 and previous
      File-> Data File Management…
    • Outlook 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019 / Office 365
      File-> Account Settings-> Account Settings-> tab Data Files
  3. When you now restart Outlook, your original pst-file will show up as the secondary set of mailbox folders. From here, you should be able to move the message from the Outbox folder or even delete the entire Outbox folder (when you do, make sure you also delete it from the Deleted Items folder or hold the SHIFT button when deleting the folder to bypass the Deleted Items folder).
  4. Set the original pst-file as the default delivery location again via the same method as above and restart Outlook. If you deleted the Outbox folder, it will automatically be recreated and will be empty.

Method 5 – MFCMAPI

If the message is still stuck now, you can use a tool called MFCMAPI to remove it. MFCMAPI is a low-level editing tool developed by Stephen Griffin who is a Senior Escalation Engineer in Developer Support at Microsoft focusing on Outlook and Exchange Server APIs (in other words: this is a very reliable application.

You can do some really great things with MFCMAPI, but you can also easily do large irreversible damage to your mailbox so it is important that you make a backup first and follow the below instructions carefully.

  1. Visit the MFCMAPI page on GitHub to download the latest version of MFCMAPI.
    • When you use a 32-bit version of Outlook, you’ll need the file starting with;
    • When you use a 64-bit version of Outlook, you’ll need the file starting with;
  2. Extract the downloaded file and run mfcmapi.exe from within the extracted folder.
  3. Press OK on the first screen which displays some usage notes.
  4. Choose: Session-> Logon…

    Click on image to enlarge.

  5. Select your Outlook mail profile or simply press OK if you are not familiar with this dialog.

  6. Double click on the line which has the value for the Default Store column set to True.

    Click on image to enlarge.

  7. In the left panel, expand the first entry. When you are using an Exchange account, this is called “Root – Mailbox” and otherwise it is called “Root Container”.
  8. Depending on your account configuration expand the following folder:
    • Top of Outlook data file
    • Top of Personal Folders
    • Top of Information Store
  9. You should now see your Outbox folder. Double click on it and a dialog will open that shows all the messages that are in your Outbox folder.
  10. Select the message and choose: Actions-> Submit-> Abort submit…

    Click on image to enlarge.

  11. Make sure the message is still selected and choose: Actions-> Delete message
  12. Set the option to “Permanent delete passing DELETE_HARD_DELETE (unrecoverable)” and press OK.

  13. Repeat the abort and delete steps for each message that is stuck in your Outbox.
  14. Close all open windows of MFCMAPI.

Open Outlook and notice that the stuck message is gone from your Outbox folder.

I want to know that, because few days past, I sent an email to a party but they did not reply me, and the problem is I cannot call them to confirm whether my mail is delivered or read by them, because of some reasons. I am in very high pressure situation so I want to know whether my mail is delivered or not.

  • I sent mail from Gmail.
  • I sent mail from Mozilla Firefox browser.
  • I use Windows 10.
  • There email address is like
  • I sent attachments along with my email.

How To Check Sent Mail In Outlook 2013

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3 Answers

The short answer is 'You can't'.

The basic email protocol does not have any mechanism which requires acknowledgement of receipt built in to it, and once the email has left you, its no longer in your control, and (rightly imho), you do not get to dictate what can be done with it.

There are a few things which can be done which can confirm if an email has been read - however there is no requirement that the recipient do these things, so its a matter of 'if they do these things you can confirm they have read it, but if they don't confirm, it does not mean they have not read it'. These also require preparation BEFORE the email is sent, so won't help you unless you send another email (or did them before hand).

The first thing you can do is specify a 'read receipt' request. When an email is opened it can send a notification to the sender confirming it has been read. Most applications will, however, prompt the recipient before sending t he confirmation. This mechanism uses the browser.

The alternative mechanism requires crafting an email with images (often, but not always a 1x1 clear pixel), with a unique name hosted on a web server. If and when the mail client opens the image, the web server can track that the image has been sent. This mechanism is often used by mailing lists - and, of-course, mail clients can be configured not to open off-site images or 1x1 images etc.

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If you've already sent the message, you can't really know, until the recipient actually sends a reply. There is no way to peek into someone's inbox like that.

Email does have delivery receipts & read receipts, but they must be requested when sending the message, not after. (Plus, not all mail apps support requesting them – e.g. Outlook has this option, as does Thunderbird, but Gmail doesn't.)

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How To Check Sent Mail On Outlook Mail

How to check sent mail on outlook

How To Check Sent Mail In Outlook

It's not unreasonable to put your logo in the email and you can use the access to that rather than a suspicious looking 1 pixel extra payload

At the server side you need to perform a server redirect (eg via web.config on windows) so the request goes to your server application - just use something different for the url of the logo such as the email id in each email sent.

That way there is nothing abnormal at all to be seen at the client - but there are still issues

if the image is opened by an anti-abuse application looking perhaps for indecent images, then you are going to get a premature read report. If the anti spam software gets canny, it will pattern match out the signature in the email.

So you can up the odds of you knowing but never really know 100%

Martin BakerMartin Baker

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