! Undefined Control Sequence.


Apr 16, 2010  Undefined control sequence at first line of a document. LaTeX undefined control sequence. Latex issue in OS X: “Undefined control sequence”. Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. 1 These errors are easily spotted by humans but can cause LaTeX to get confused as to what is being asked.

  1. Undefined Control Sequence. Documentclass
  2. Undefined Control Sequence Begin Document
  3. Undefined Control Sequence. Includegraphics

Hello I'm new in Latex.

I was trying to write my thesis, using the MasterDoctoralClass.cls.

This is my main.tex:

If I compile main.tex (with PDFLatex, I also did it with Latex and PDFTex) it doesn't return me any error, but when I look at the PDF it doesn't print the Introduction. So I was watching to the Introduction.tex:

And if I complie it I have some errors:

Undefined control sequence. documentclass

I tryed to put the begin{document} but I still have the same errors on the undefined control sequence and other errors like


Can someone help me, please? Thanks!


1 Answer

Undefined Control Sequence. Documentclass

If on line 13 you remove the ) and move the end{document} statement on line 183 to the end of the main, it will compile properly.

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Undefined Control Sequence Begin Document

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Undefined Control Sequence. Includegraphics

First, I am using Ubuntu 9.10 with Texmaker 1.9.9. I am very new to both Ubuntu and Texmaker and am still in the testing/experimenting mode.
I recently installed (sucessfully) TexLive 2009 (before installing Texmaker) in:
and this seems to be fine. However, I am unable to use the LaTeX command that is defined in Texmaker: LaTeX -> includegraphics{file}.
For example in one of LaTeX documents I executed this command and after defining the graphics file had the following:
Then when I try to compile the file containing this, I get the following error message:
! Undefined control sequence.
l.810 includegraphics
Why, the error? Is includegraphics undefined in TexLive 2009? If yes, then how can I work around this problem?
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